Sep 20Liked by The Peaceful Revolutionary

Excellent. An extremely informative and insightful article, and I can’t wait for the next instalment!

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Sep 20Liked by The Peaceful Revolutionary

Excellent, looking forward for the next chapter. That image of the cake with the rich at the top is interesting, Do you know where it’s from?

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Glad you liked it! It is from The "Pyramid of Capitalist System" cartoon made by the Industrial Workers of the World (1911).

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[Daniel posted a list of right-wing propagandists and called it a list of unbiased sources, after making many claims he failed to back up in other comments.]

You say that your list of authors you suggest others read is unbiased? These men are highly biased towards right-wing economics, and even some right-wing dictators. Friedman’s biases led to the deaths of tens and thousands of people in Chile (and led to the misery of millions more).

You’d be better off reading:

‘23 things they don’t tell you about Capitalism’ by Ha-Joon Chang (Cambridge U.)

‘Capital in the Twenty First Century’ by Thomas Piketty (Paris & London schools of economics)

‘Talking to My Daughter About the Economy’ by Yanis Varoufakis (Greek Minister Of Finance)

You have no interest in answering my questions honestly or with any evidence (and have left dozens of my questions unanswered and repeated points that have been challenged). You have been wasting my time and that of others who have been reading your comments on my posts.

I hope that you learn to extend your compassion more broadly, as well as your reading choices more widely, and exercise your critical faculties more judiciously.

(edited for clarity)

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