Sep 13Liked by The Peaceful Revolutionary


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Well I would like to help humanity but at the same time I don’t wanna it collapse to an static utopia where nothing changes everyone is satisfied so there is need to produce knowledge or art

Like imagine an world where robots do all things and there is no struggle,with no struggle there is no need for brains,arms,legs because robots would do all the work

This is the problem I have for utopianists they seem to not value life as they see life as pure suffering however only the suffering move us to preserve ourself and others without conflicting with other things (even abstract ideas like math) we cannot produce nothing greater that allow us to experience awe or oceanic feelings

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I'd hate that kind of utopia too. It wouldn't seem to be a utopia to me at all.

While some art does come from the conflicts we face in our current system, people will always face internal conflicts, relationship challenges, the frustration between hopes and disappoints, and this will still produce that kind of art too.

We will always struggle with our internal inabilities, with misunderstandings, with the slowness of progress between where we want to be and where we are. I don't see this changing, because we will still be human.

Utopia to me is the best possible world while still being a human world. This may technically be more of a eutopia instead, an ideal place.

I'd just like to see an entirely possible world without starvation and homelessness, without preventable diseases, without people ruling over others, and without the violence required to keep such a system in place to benefit a small number. There'll still be struggles and tragedies, but not the kind others profit off of.

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Sep 18Liked by The Peaceful Revolutionary

I understand your point very well while I am skeptic of eternal peace I also skeptic of eternal war can we transcend theses phases of human flux ?

I really wanted that people could organize voluntary movements to form their ways of living

I really wanted to change Africa out of its imperialism to give they the power of their economy and after that leave as I really do not wanna be someone king or god but only an friend how can be counted upon

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Your “should” questions in their current form are invalid unless we are to assume that you have implied that it is being asked to society. However, there is no such entity: a society is simply a group of individuals living in close proximity to each other. If your questions are addressed to individuals, we come full circle to an invalid form of question. Of course, we could each answer that we wish no harm or misfortune on any individuals, but if we chose to be less kind or compassionate and answer that we are not the cause of this reality for these people there is no immoral act involved. Abstract human beings are at best potentially abstract values to specific individuals. Philosophy is not a party tool or a cheap device to be used to extract alms for the misfortunate. Individuals should take responsibility for their own lives and their own chosen values: loved ones and friends. We are not responsible for everyone.

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Thanks for your comment - I got carried away and wrote a longer reply to this here - https://peacefulrevolutionary.substack.com/p/society-and-shoulds

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I would very much like to read your reply, however, the link requires a password

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Sorry, about that, I initially tried to share an earlier version with you before making it live, but I guess that link only worked for me. It is publicly readable here - https://peacefulrevolutionary.substack.com/p/society-and-shoulds

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