The Arts Are A Rich Kids' Club
Reasons To Hate Capitalism #98 - The Wealthy Control Our Culture
This is the second in a series of video versions of ‘Reasons To Hate Capitalism’ produced by Counter-Intuitive.
Although movies and television are full of stories of regular working joes, putting in their hours, trying to support their families, until … they need to rob a bank to get by, or aliens attack, or they get super powers.
The truth is that the working class are often shut out of the arts and media. Ever wonder who writes those stories? It's mostly the upper class.
If you come from the working class you are far less likely to make a living creating art and literature (including writing for, or acting in stage, film and television), which means that our art and entertainment is portrayed and written mostly (84%) by those who have little or no insight into the majority of working and marginalised people, and their lives.
Why is this? Well, those who buy art and entertainment are more likely to consider and fund projects that they have a personal affinity for, and as they are mostly upper class those they interact with are more likely to be upper class too.
But, what is the effect of this? Undoubtedly concerns and issues related to the working class are overlooked or misrepresented, and the opportunities for people in these fields from working class backgrounds will continue to be rarer, and even when they ‘break through’ they are still having to usually meet the approval of those from the upper classes.
How would that be different in a world without Capitalism?
Art wouldn't be firewalled by wealth or dependent upon rich patrons. The need to make money (or profits) for others - from making art - would not exist.
The range and depth of art will better represent and entertain the communities the artists are part of, without having to compromise their visions to enrich the already rich.
Here's what you can do:
Support your local poor playwrights, your local community drama1 - suggest they tell some local and personal stories too (and that you’ll support them when they do).
Go see your local bands, performance poets, comedians, art exhibitions featuring local artists, and support them all financially if you can.
If you make art yourself don't be afraid to challenge the system, and fight to have your authentic working class voice heard.
Ongoing ‘Reasons To Hate Capitalism’ quotes & memes are posted each weekday on
Not convinced that this is Capitalism’s fault? Read the ‘What Is Capitalism’ series.
Further Solutions
Someone recently said to me ‘you have no answers to any of the problems’. I began to wonder if that were really true. I knew I had written some posts focused on solutions, but I started to worry that there wasn’t many, and that perhaps their purpose wasn’t as clear as I thought they’d been.
So below I’ve put together a list of articles I believe are focused on positive solutions to Capitalist and hierarchal problems:
The Last Of Us town of Jackson - Shows that communes can work even in difficult (albeit fictional) circumstances
Cake Vs Guns - Suggests a better approach to potential post-collapse survival
Reasons To Be Hopeful - Making a difference, if but a small one
Socialism An Introduction - Why Socialism is a solution to Capitalism’s problems
Digital Pebbles - A fictional alternative value / appreciation / needs system
Stateless Minds - A reprint of someone’s digital system for non-capitalist distribution
The Anarchist Jesus - What could be a more inspiring example?
The Plumbing Revolution - A story showing how dirty jobs can be done without coercion
A Guide For Prospective Tea Monks - How to set up a travelling listening and consoling service
Antillia's Utopia - A couple days on a utopian island, including details of how it operates
How Anarres Works - How Le Guin’s utopia works
Nemik's Anarchist Manifesto - Principles by which to overthrow an evil empire
Playing Pretend - Imagining a better possible world (second half)
An AI Anarchist Manifesto - A possible transition away from hierarchy and capitalism
A Better Future - As it says … Imagining a better future
Writing In An Anarchist Utopia - A positive vision for how the arts could operate differently
Were we Born Evil Or Did Capitalism Make Us That Way - Encouraging article showing what good things people are capable of
So You Are Living In A Dystopia, What Next? / Resisting Oppression & Making Friends - Internal and practical resistance and encouragement
A Better World Is Possible - How a better world is possible now and aspects of it are already happening in some places
In Defence Of The Dispossessed - Explaining aspects of Le Guin’s utopian vision
I Pencil - A plan of how to carry out complex production without Capitalism (2nd half)
Organising Without Rulers - A look at how healthcare could work without centralisation and hierarchy
A Free Society / Achieving Liberation - A look at what the world needs to be free and what that will do for us
Love Is Anarchist - What can be a better solution to our problems than true love?
Along with this many of my articles which focus on bringing attention to the problems with hierarchy and Capitalism also have sections (often toward the end) with suggestions for making the situation better, or are leading to sequel articles that address this. As you may have noticed above, my longer form ‘Reasons To Hate’ videos / articles now do this at the end too.
Especially if they are stuck performing well known musicals all the time, not that there is anything wrong with that if they like doing it and people like watching them, but …
This is often the most common accusation of anarchists: We offer no solutions.
The truth is, anarchists offer the only solution. The solution where individuals coexist *willingly* not because of the patch of dirt they were born to. Where workers own our labor and everyone has a place to live.
We offer the solution of abolishing poverty through a libertarian mindset. Anytime someone accuses you of not having solutions remember that anarchy *is* the solution, our job as writers within the libertarian socialist school of thought is to convey how anarchy provides solutions as simply as possible so as many people can read, disseminate, and replicate the solutions as far and wide as possible, not kept out by wealth, class, or position in life.
Totally true. I tried several times without a college degree or access to support. One story I'm planning to write in depth about now that I joined Substack is how 20 years ago I jumped through all the hoops to put in an application for a $10,000 Iowa Arts Council. The professional staff told me later that I had been approved by the professional staff for a major project I was working on. But the governor appointed Iowa Arts Council Board had to approve.
The staff member told me that the Wife of $500,000 a year St Ambrose University President Ed Rogalski was on the state board to kill my $10,000 Iowa Arts Council grant because I had asked as journalism and independent scholarship had asked 3 citys and 2 University or colleges for their statistics on minority hiring including her husband ...
This rich white college educated woman blacklisted me. If she was not on The panel I would have received my biggest ever chance in life.
The staff had been there a long time and told me he had never once seen the board overrule the professional staff recommendation and she specifically blacklisted me.
The college presidents Wife whose name I forget personally intervened to prevent a grant going to a poverty wage worker without a college degree working with adults with developmental and physical disabilities....a person of mixed European and Native American background...from having an equal fair chance at competing for a taxpayers financed Arts grant.
I believe St Ambrose University leadership violated the University commitment to freedom of speech and scholarship and racial and ethnic and economic diversity.
I now just joined Substack....a year ago I opened a print on demand art website....and a creative arts and journalism and survival GoFundMe campaign. (art)