This is great! Thank you for compiling these. I've enjoyed Jesus' teachings for years, but hadn't quite connected him with the term anarchist. It makes a ton of sense though!

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Glad you like it. The whole poem is available from the publisher, Active Distribution. I'm just the editor, we have Heathcoate Williams to thank for making this poem his life's work. I only wish he finished it. Maybe someone else will some day (somebody should do it before I try - I'm an awful poet).

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Another central theme in the truly radical poem is the repudiation of hypocrisy. The capacity to live in contradiction and dissociation takes us all into very risky territory. Leaders weaponizing and capitalising on deceit and conceit seems to be an age-old problem. William's work is pointing to integrity and authenticity which sit at the base of teachings attributed to Jesus. That's my kind of Jesus.

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